My dream would be to make money traveling across the United States going to see different landmarks and checking some cool hiking places off my bucket list and that is what these people are doing and I am so jealous and they also have a sponsor representing them.

"A Dangerous Business" is a young women I follow on Instagram and I am just amazed at how many different places she has traveled to and she is only like 26. I looked into her website and was reading/trying to find out how she could afford to travel and her link about not having to quit your 9 to 5 job really helps in explaining that.
"The Blonde Abroad" is another young woman I follow on Instagram as well and I would honestly love to be in her shoes and at the bottom of her "about me" page is frequently asked questions that she has answered and it says how she got started and how she can travel and I am just amazed at how "EASY" (somewhat) it is to do if you put your mind too it.
These two women really inspired me to continue my dream of visiting every state and then eventually traveling the world! I have almost done with my college degree in Multimedia and most jobs after you get some experience allow you to work remote which would be perfect and my boyfriend loves to travel as well so we are looking and hoping to travel together for as long as we can!